CURRENT ISSUE: Journal Business & IT 2/2024

TitleAuthorsPublication yearPagesAbstractFull text
E-Governance in Project Management: Transforming Decision-Making and Addressing Implementation RisksNgoc Min-hau Liu20241-10open
Adoption and Impact of Generative AI: Perspectives from South African Tech EntrepreneursMurimo Bethel Mutanga, Zvinodaishe Revesai, Jotham Msane202411-22open
Project Management Turnover: Causes, Timing, and Impacts on PerformanceMohammed Quazie Altamimi202423-32open
Understanding the Impact of Project Risk Management on Project Performance: A Technical and Empirical PerspectiveAntoine Chevalier-Karfis202433-40open
The Role of Agile Methodologies in Modern Software Development: A Comprehensive Analysis of Impact, Challenges, and Best PracticesAbebe Sutukai Nwachukwu, Kwame Efua Boatengu202441-49open
Evaluating the Impact of Project Management Approaches on Project Success: A Comprehensive Analysis of Traditional, Agile, and Hybrid ModelsDaniella Maya Haddab202450-60open
Reframing Global Health Governance: BRICS Impact on South Africa's Pandemic Response and the Evolution of International Health FrameworksKhalida Akbar202461-71open
Institutional Competencies for Big Data Analytics in the South African Financial SectorMoruti Dunstun Langa, Clive Smith202472-85open
The Process Modelling Guide: From Mapping to OptimizationStanislav Voracek202486-105open
Understanding the Adoption of Web Development Frameworks – The Determinants of Continuance IntentionAnne Shanika Swaris, Vathsala Wickramasinghe2024106-116open
Financial Evaluation of the BIM Model Coordination Process in ConstructionDaniel Kobik, Lubos Verny, Josef Zak2024117-126open
The Role of Critical Thinking in Enhancing Business Longevity Among South African SME OwnersSphesihle Ndlela, Neil Barnes, Muhammad Hoque2024127-135open
Depressive and Suicidal Text-Based Sentiment Analysis in Bangla Using Deep Learning ModelsRafiul Hoque, Md. Samiul Islam, Sagor Sarkar, Sultana Umme Habiba, Md. Moshiur Rahman, Md. Rajibul Palas, Muhammad Hoque2024136-150open
Identification of Methods of Disclosure of Non-Financial Information of the 50 Largest Construction Companies in the Czech RepublicVladimira Novakova2024151-162open


CTU in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Department of Economics and Management in Civil Engineering
Thakurova 7
166 29 Prague 6

Tel.: +420 22435 4524